Rebel Essentials » Westernwear

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Popularised first by working cowboys and then stars of the screen and the rodeo ring, oater classics like the denim jacket and the western shirt live on in the eternal afterglow of the Old West.



No matter what your type, a good denim jacket is a cornerstone in every rebel’s wardrobe. Many brands do it well (far too many to list them all here). You can’t go wrong with an original from legacy makers like Levi’sLee, or Wrangler, but the legacy brands don’t make ‘em like they used to.

For the best versions of the classics, look to Japanese heritage brands like Iron HeartThe Real McCoy’sOne Piece of Rock, and Oni, or specialist American makers like Ginew3sixteen, and Mister Freedom.

If you’re looking for more guidance, visit our in-depth raw denim jacket guide where we list our favorite made-to-fade jackets.


Born when the open ranges were starting to close, but perfected in the New West, the denim western roped itself first into the cowboy’s and then into the everyman’s wardrobe without shedding a stitch.

You can still get one of the originals from Rockmount Ranch Wear, or one of the rodeo-ring champs from Wrangler. If you’re looking for something with a little less giddy-up, check out The Flat HeadIron HeartStevenson Overall Co.Blaumann Jeanshosen, and Indigofera.

Take a closer look at our favourite denim shirts in our in-depth buying guide here.


The Mackinaw, as we commonly call the blanket coat, takes its name from the fort that the captain captured and defended in 1812. It offers relentless winter warmth with a healthy dose of the pioneering spirit. 

The original, in its characteristic red and black buffalo checks, usually has either a Pendleton or a Filson tag, you can also check stellar versions from Duluth Pack and Johnson Woolen Mills.


Helped along on its way to iconic status by the Marlboro Man, the shearling ranch jacket is to western wear what three-star epaulets are to the armed forces: a signal of status and command.

RRL regularly feature versions of the Ranch Jacket in their collections, and British Sheepskin feature a very good range of shearling jackets–some with the western touch. If you’re looking for the best, check France’s Chapal.


Either shined up for a night of two-stepping or scuffed up and saddle-worn, the boot is what gives the true-blue cowboy his distinctive heel-toe gait and his distinctive silhouette. Made for stirrups or highway pegs, they have an unequaled rough elegance equally at home on the open road and the open range.

Great-looking and relatively inexpensive boots can be had from makers like AriatTecovas, and Tony Lama.

or makers that treat the cowboy boot as an art form, check out LuccheseRios of MercedesAlberta Boot Company, and Little’s Boot Company.


The modern cowboy might have swapped their trusty steed for something with more than just one horsepower, but some things never change. A cowboy without his boots and hat is like a judge without his robes.

If your style is western, the perfect hat will be the cherry on top. Look for brands like Stetson, Australia’s Akubra, and for the true wow-factor try Gladys Tamez.

If you’re looking for a wide-brimmed hat that moves away from the saloon and the saddlery, try Vienna’s Nomade Moderne or the world’s oldest hat shop, London’s Lock & Co.


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