The Twenty-third Episode of The Denim & Boots Podcast
We’re at episode #23 now and Jake and I are, once again, joined by my good friend Lennaert Nijgh, the founder of Benzak Denim Developers. On this episode, we’re talking about what it’s like making jeans in Japan.
We start the conversation with a discussion about why and how the Japanese became the best country for jeans (and many other products that originally came from other countries) in the world.
That discussion comes with a recommendation for the amazing book about how Japan saves American style, Ametora. It also leads us to talk about The Osaka Five and Toyoda shuttle looms.
… Stay Tuned for Season 2!
This episode will the last of what will be season 1 of the podcast as we’re turning it into a season-based show going forward.
To prepare for season 2, we will be taking a short break from our weekly publishing. But we promise it’ll be worth waiting for!
Stay subscribed – or subscribe in iTunes (Apple Podcast) if you haven’t done so already – to make sure you’ll be notified when we launch season 2.
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